Updated on July 3, 2024

Automatically resolving 60% of customer request

In conversation with Tom Bulis from Epic Sports for the customer interview series, The Kommunicate Way.

Customer support is really important for any company. But if you are a leading e-commerce website in your segment, customer support becomes immensely important and an overwhelming task at the same time.

Epic Sports Inc is a leading e-commerce website, specializing in sports apparel and accessories in the US. Epic Sports always put customer support as a top priority. Sprawling 250,000+ reviews averaging over 4.7 out of 5 on Shopper Approved are the proof of that. “We’re always on the journey of improving our customer service experience,” said Tom Bulis. Tom is the principal software engineer and e-commerce marketing manager at Epic Sports.

This hyper-growth brought new challenges and it was becoming hard and costly to effectively manage customers only through calls. “We wanted to scale our e-commerce customer base but keep the size of our customer service team manageable,” he said.

Enter Automation ft. Kommunicate

(Sorry for the lame Metallica reference, I’ve been an ardent fan.)

“By shifting customer requests to Kommunicate chat, we were able to leverage best-of-breed AI technology, in Google’s Dialogflow (which seamlessly integrates with Kommunicate). We automated many of the repetitive tasks that our customer service team performs daily,” Tom highlighted.

Automate the repetitive tasks of customer service team

By shifting customer requests to Kommunicate chat, we automated many of the repetitive tasks that our customer service team performs daily.

Tom explained it was pretty easy for them to get started with Kommunicate and evaluate the platform fast. “The integration requires a bit of development knowledge. But it is relatively easy as we were able to integrate Kommunicate’s web platform within a day.”

Kommunicate chatbot Integration
Epic Bot in action on Epic Sports website

Quickly Realizing the Value

“Kommunicate was able to reduce the amount of customer-related emails and phone calls,” said Tom. Epic Sports’ quick and effective integration helped them quickly go live and reduce the workload on the customer support team and eventually containing the cost of customer support operations.

“We’re still (and will probably always be) on the journey of improving our customer service experience. But in a short amount of time, Kommunicate was able to get us a lot closer to where we want to be.”

“In fact, I have the numbers back at my hand. Kommunicate’s solution has been able to automatically contain 60% of incoming customer service requests for Epic Sports,” explained Tom.

Automatically contain 60% of incoming customer service requests

We have been able to automatically contain 60% of incoming customer service requests using Kommunicate.

Tom and Epic Sports team did evaluate other products as well, but Kommunicate stood out due to features and flexibility. “Of the similar providers we evaluated, Kommunicate had the most features. Also, it was the most customizable and had the most intuitive interface,” said Tom.

The cherry on the Cake

“Kommunicate is very responsive to any request or question you have regarding their product. Also, they’re happy to take under consideration enhancement requests,” answered Tom when asked about his experience with the Kommunicate team.

“What I instantly liked was – Kommunicate uses their own tools with their customer base. Hence, it quickly becomes apparent that what they provide is an excellent platform for customer service, since they themselves rely on it to solve their customer queries,” concluded Tom.

The Kommunicate Way is the customer stories and interview series by Kommunicate. Here, we talk about success stories and product experience with beautiful humans from leading companies of the globe that are using Kommunicate.

At Kommunicate, we are envisioning a world-beating customer support solution to empower the new era of customer support. We would love to have you on board to have a first-hand experience of Kommunicate. You can signup here and start delighting your customers right away.

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